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Local Name Yellow Acampe
Botanical Name Acampe ochracea (Lindl.) Hochr.
Common Name Yellow Acampe
Family Orchidaceae
Distribution The species is distributed to India, China, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc. In India it is found in Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, etc.
Habit Epiphytic
Short Description It is an epiphytic herb, reaching heights of up to 40 centimeters. The plant features an erect to pendulous stem enveloped by numerous leaf-bearing sheaths.


It is an epiphytic herb. Stem scandent, tufted. Leaves coriaceous, sessile, linear-oblong, unequally bilobed. Inflorescence equal or longer than leaves, panicle laxly and many flowered. Flower broadly triangular, petals light yellow with maroon irregular markings.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is used to treat skin diseases and acts as a laxative.