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Local Name Tentuli
Botanical Name Tamarindus indica L.
Common Name Tamarind
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is native to tropical Africa but introduced to other tropical regions. It is widely distributed in naturalized in India.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a large evergreen tree native to tropical Africa, valued for its edible, tangy fruit pods. The tree is widely cultivated for its fruit, which is used in cooking and for traditional medicine.
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It is a large evergreen tree with a dense foliage. Leaves are pinnately compound. Flowers yellow with purple or red veins resemble an orchid. Fruit a legume pod that is thick, brown and velvety.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

April - August


The fruit pulp is commonly used in sauces, curries, etc. The fruit pulp is also used for the treatment of stomach disorders.