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Local Name Sirisa
Botanical Name Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.
Common Name Sirisa tree
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions across Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. In India, it is found throughout the country, from the Himalayan foothills to the southern regions, thriving in various forest types. In Odisha, it occurs in dry deciduous forests and is often planted in agroforestry systems and urban areas.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a large deciduous tree with fragrant, creamy-white flowers and compound bipinnate leaves, commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. It produces flat, elongated pods and is widely used for shade and ornamental purposes.
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It is a medium to large deciduous tree. It has a wide, spreading canopy with compound bipinnate leaves, each having 2-4 pairs of pinnae, and each pinna containing 3-10 pairs of leaflets. The flowers are fragrant, creamy-white, and arranged in dense, rounded clusters. The fruit is a flat, oblong pod, 15-30 cm long, containing several seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


It is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory disorders, skin ailments, and allergies.