Home > Plants > Satyanasi

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Local Name Satyanasi
Botanical Name Argemone mexicana L.
Common Name Mexican poppy
Family Papaveraceae
Distribution Naturalized throughout India including Odisha. It is native to Mexico and has become naturalized in many parts of the world.
Habit Herb
Short Description It is an upright, prickly annual or biennial plant with bright yellow, poppy-like flowers.


It is an erect spiny herb. Its stem is branched and very prickly; it exudes a yellow juice when cut. The leaves are thistle-like and alternate, without leaf stalks, toothed and with spiny margins. Flowers solitary and are bright yellow. The fruit is a prickly oblong or egg shaped capsule that releases numerous small black seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

Throughout the year


Seed oil is used to treat skin infections.