Home > Plants > Rajanigandha

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Local Name Rajanigandha
Botanical Name Polianthes tuberosa L.
Common Name Tuberose
Family Asparagaceae
Distribution It is cultivated in India including Odisha. It is native to Mexico but has been introduced and cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.
Habit Herb
Short Description It is a fragrant flowering plant, produces spikes of white, waxy flowers with a strong, sweet scent, often used in perfumes and floral arrangements.


It is a perennial plant with long, narrow, and strap-like leaves that grow in a basal rosette. The plant produces a tall flower spike, typically 80 to 100 cm in height, bearing clusters of fragrant, waxy white flowers. These tubular flowers are arranged in pairs along the spike and emit a strong, sweet fragrance, particularly at night. The stems are sturdy and support the weight of the numerous blooms. The tuberose grows from a bulbous root system.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


The flowers are highly valued in the perfume industry for their strong, sweet fragrance.