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Local Name Poilundia
Botanical Name Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.
Common Name Putranjiva
Family Putranjivaceae
Distribution It is cultivated throughout Odisha. Native to tropical Asia and is found throughout India, as well as in Bangladesh, Indo-China, Java, New Guinea, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is an evergreen tree, valued for its ornamental foliage and medicinal uses. It grows up to 12 meters tall and produces small, yellowish-green flowers followed by drupe-like fruits.


It is a moderate-sized, evergreen tree. Leaves are simple, dark green, shiny, and elliptic-oblong, arranged alternately, acute, or shortly acuminate apex, an obliquely cuneate base, and serrate margins. Flowers are unisexual, small, yellow in color. Fruit is a drupe, oval or ellipsoid in shape.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



The leaves are useful in treating fever. It is cultivated for ornamental purposes.