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Local Name Pita Koruan
Botanical Name Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R.Br.
Common Name Sweet Indrajao
Family Apocynaceae
Distribution The species is native to India, Myanmar but are also distributed in Asia, Africa and Australia. It is distributed throughout Odisha.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a small deciduous tree native to India, known for its fragrant white flowers and medicinal properties. Its bark and leaves are used in traditional medicine.


It is a small tree with milky juice and light grey color bark. Leaves are subsessile, ovate, elliptic to oblong, apex abruptly acuminate, base obtuse or rounded and light green in color. Flowers white, in terminal cymes. Fruits are follicles, long curved and cohering at the tip.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March – May & December - January


It is used to treat diarrhea and helps to reduce high blood pressure.