Home > Plants > Pahadi Sisoo

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Local Name Pahadi Sisoo
Botanical Name Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.
Common Name Indian/ Malabar rosewood, Bombay Blackwood, Pahadi sissoo
Family Fabaceae
Distribution Found throughout the state. In India it is distributed in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Sikkim, and throughout central and southern India. Native to tropical Asia.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a deciduous tree, valued for its high-quality, dark brown timber. It has compound leaves, small white or pale yellow flowers, and produces flat, oblong pods.


It is a deciduous tree. Bark is typically dark brown to black in color and may have a rough texture. Leaves are compound, typically with three to nine leaflets. Each leaflet is ovate to lanceolate in shape, alternately along the stems. Flowers are small, fragrant, and arranged in dense clusters at the ends of branches. They are typically white to pale pink in color. Fruit is a pod. The pods are flat and elongated.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Decoction of root is used to treat stomach problems. It is also used as a timber.