Home > Plants > Noble Dendrobium

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Local Name Noble Dendrobium
Botanical Name Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
Common Name Noble Dendrobium
Family Orchidaceae
Distribution The species is native to southern China and the Himalayan regions including Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, etc. In India it is distributed in Manipur, Sikkim, Mizoram, Meghalaya, etc.
Habit Epiphytic
Short Description It features elegant, pendulous flowers and is traditionally used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for various health benefits.


It is an epiphytic herb. Stems erect. Leaves are caduceus, leathery and glossy, oblong with sub-obtuse apex. Inflorescence in short raceme. Petals and sepals purple gradually turning white at the base, lip ovate-oblong, hairy inside and apex slightly mucronate

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - May


It is used to alleviate stomach-related issues.