Home > Plants > Nahalbeli

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Local Name Nahalbeli
Botanical Name Cipadessa baccifera (Roxb. ex Roth) Miq.
Common Name Indian mahogany
Family Meliaceae
Distribution Found throughout Angul, Athamallik Odisha. Distributed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. Also found in Sri Lanka, Java, Nepal, Myanmar, and other parts of the world.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a small to medium-sized tree. It is notable for its compound leaves, small, white or yellowish flowers, and bright red, berry-like fruits.


It is a large shrub to small tree. Bark is smooth and grayish-brown in color, becoming slightly rougher with age. Leaves are simple, opposite, and lanceolate to ovate in shape. Flowers are small, fragrant, arranged in terminal or axillary racemes. The flowers are white or pale pink in color, with five petals and prominent stamens. Fruits are small, berry-like drupe that is round to oval.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Leaf paste is used externally used in treating skin Infections.