Home > Plants > Nageswar

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Local Name Nageswar
Botanical Name Mesua ferrea L.
Common Name Ceylon ironwood, Nageswar
Family Calophyllaceae
Distribution It is found in riparian vegetation in Odisha. Native to the wet tropical regions of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a tropical evergreen tree known for its fragrant white flowers and hard, heavy wood and medicinal properties.


It is a medium to large-sized tree. The bark is smooth and grayish-brown. Leaves are opposite, simple, and lanceolate to elliptic in shape. Flowers are large, fragrant, and solitary, emerging from the leaf axils. Each flower has four to six white petals and numerous yellow stamens arranged in a central column. Fruit is a woody capsule, usually ovoid or ellipsoidal in shape, The seeds are usually black and shiny.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is used traditionally to promote cardiovascular health.