Home > Plants > Moulmein rosewood

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Local Name Moulmein rosewood
Botanical Name Millettia peguensis Ali
Common Name Moulmein rosewood
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is cultivated throughout Odisha. In India it has been introduced and cultivated in certain regions. It is native to Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Africa, and tropical regions of the Americas
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a deciduous tree. It is characterized by its dark, dense wood and beautiful purple flowers, and is often used for timber and ornamental purposes.


It is a medium-sized tree. Leaves are compound, alternate, and pinnate. Each leaf typically consists of 5-7 leaflets arranged oppositely. The leaflets are elliptical to lanceolate in shape, with serrated margins. Flowers are small, fragrant, and arranged in terminal or axillary clusters known as racemes, white to pale pink or lavender in color. Fruits are leguminous pods, typically cylindrical or slightly flattened in shape.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is used for ornamental purposes.