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Local Name Madaranga
Botanical Name Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC.
Common Name Sessile joyweed
Family Amaranthaceae
Distribution It has a global distribution in tropical and subtropical regions. It is native to Asia, Africa, and South America, and has spread widely as an invasive species. In India, it thrives across wetlands and agricultural areas, especially in states with warm, humid climates. In Odisha, it is commonly found in moist, marshy habitats, ponds, and rice fields.
Habit Herb
Short Description It is an herbaceous, low-growing plant. It has creeping stems that root at the nodes, lance-shaped leaves, and small white or greenish flowers.


It is a low-growing, herbaceous plant with prostrate or creeping stems that can root at the nodes. Its leaves are simple, opposite, and lance-shaped, typically 1-5 cm long, with smooth margins. The small, white or greenish flowers are clustered in axillary or terminal heads. The plant produces tiny seeds within dry capsules.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


It is used in traditional medicine for treating skin infections, digestive issues, and eye problems. It is also considered a blood purifier and aids in detoxification.