Home > Plants > Kusum

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Local Name Kusum
Botanical Name Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken
Common Name Ceylon Oak
Family Sapindaceae
Distribution The species is native to Indian sub- continent. Distribution have been recorded from the foothills of the Himalayas, Sri Lanka to Indo- China. In India, it is distributed in Odisha, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerela, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium to large deciduous tree with a rough, fissured bark and dense, spreading crown. It has pinnate leaves with 2-4 pairs of leaflets and produces small, yellowish-green flowers in clusters.


It is a tree with thin bark and dense foliage. Young foliage appears reddish yellow in color. Leaves paripinnate with opposite or sub opposite leaflets. Flowers small, yellowish, in dense cluster. Fruit as drupe, ovoid, sharply pointed.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

February - August


Seed oils are edible. Fruits are edible and consumed by man and birds.