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Local Name Kurei
Botanical Name Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G.Don
Common Name Hairy holarrhena
Family Apocynaceae
Distribution Found throughout India including Odisha. Also native to central and southern Africa, Indochina, South-central China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan etc.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a small to medium-sized tree, produces clusters of fragrant, white or pale-yellow flowers.


It is a small to medium-sized tree Leaves are simple, opposite, and elliptic to lanceolate in shape. Flowers are white, with five petals fused at the base to form a short tube. They are arranged in terminal or axillary cymes. Fruits are slender, cylindrical follicles. Each follicle contains numerous seeds. When the follicles mature, they split open along one side to release the seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Dried bark powder is given orally to cure stomachache.