Home > Plants > Kumkum

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Local Name Kumkum
Botanical Name Bixa orellana L.
Common Name Annatto
Family Bixaceae
Distribution It is native to tropical America but are widely cultivated in tropical countries. It is widely cultivated and naturalized in India including Dhenkanal Odisha.
Habit Small tree
Short Description It is a tropical small tree, valued for its seeds which are used to produce a natural red dye. It has heart-shaped leaves, pink flowers, and spiny fruit capsules containing the seeds.


It is a shrub or small tree with ovate leaves with sub cordate or truncate base, apex acute to acuminate. Flower pink to purple. Capsule ovoid or deltoid, covered with dark red prickles often become brown and stiff and brittle at maturity.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


The seeds are used as natural dye and are use as sindoor.