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Local Name Khaira
Botanical Name Senegalia catechu (L.f.) P.J.H.Hurter &Mabb.
Common Name Catechu
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is found throughout Odisha. Found throughout India, except in humid and temperate regions. Distributed from Pakistan to southwest China and Thailand.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a rough, dark brown bark and thorny branches. It has bipinnate leaves with small, feathery leaflets, and produces clusters of fragrant white flowers.


It is a small tree, with dark brown to black rough bark which peels off in long strips in mature trees, young trees have corky bark. Leaves are bipinnately compound, with 9–30 pairs of pinnae and a glandular rachis. Each pinnae has 16–50 pairs of oblong linear leaflets. Flowers are small, white to pale yellow, and fluffy in appearance. Fruit is a beaked pod, flat, shiny, and brown.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Bark is used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems.