Home > Plants > Katha saguan

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Local Name Katha saguan
Botanical Name Fernandoa adenophylla (Wall. ex G.Don) Steenis
Common Name Copperpod
Family Bignoniaceae
Distribution Cultivated in Odisha. Native to E. Central India to Assam and Peninsula Malaysia.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to India and Southeast Asia. It features yellowish flowers and is often planted as an ornamental tree for its striking blooms.


It is a medium to large-sized tree. The bark is typically grayish-brown in color. Leaves are simple, opposite, and lanceolate to ovate in shape. Flowers and arranged in dense clusters yellowish flowers at the ends of branches. The fruit is long and twisted, hanging like snakes from the branches

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is cultivated as an ornamental tree.