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Local Name Kaniara
Botanical Name Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold
Common Name Yellow oleander
Family Apocynaceae
Distribution It is occasionally cultivated for ornamental purposes in India including Odisha. It is found in various countries with tropical and subtropical climates.
Habit Small tree
Short Description It is a small tree with bright yellow or orange, funnel-shaped flowers and long, slender leaves. Despite its ornamental appeal, all parts of the plant are highly toxic.


It is a small evergreen tree with glossy, lanceolate leaves arranged alternately along the branches. Its vibrant yellow funnel-shaped flowers, tinged with orange at the base, bloom in clusters at the ends of branches. The fruit is a smooth, green, and elongated capsule, containing numerous seeds embedded in a sticky pulp. The tree exudes a milky sap when wounded.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

Throughout the year


It is cultivated for ornamental purposes.