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Local Name Kandhamani
Botanical Name Ceropegia hirsuta Wight & Arn.
Common Name Hairy Ceropegia
Family Apocynaceae
Distribution It is found in various parts of India, particularly in dry and semi-arid regions. It is distributed in the Indian states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. In Odisha, it typically grows in hilly and rocky areas with suitable climatic conditions. The plant also extends to other parts of Asia, including Sri Lanka and some Southeast Asian countries.
Habit Climber
Short Description It features slender, climbing stems with ovate, hairy leaves and tubular flowers with a distinctive, twisted corolla. Its fleshy, succulent structure is adapted for dry environments.


It is a climbing plant characterized by its cylindrical, elongated stems that can grow up to several meters long. The leaves are fleshy, ovate, and covered with fine, soft hairs, giving the plant a somewhat velvety appearance. The flowers are tubular and typically have a distinctive, bell-shaped structure with a curved or twisted corolla, often featuring intricate patterns and colors.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

August - October


It is employed in treating respiratory ailments and digestive issues.