Home > Plants > Kalikata madaranga

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Local Name Kalikata madaranga
Botanical Name Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.
Common Name Alligator Weed
Family Amaranthaceae
Distribution It is found in parts of North America, Australia, Asia, and Europe, often thriving in aquatic habitats. In India, it has spread across water bodies, particularly in states with warm, humid climates. In Odisha, it invades wetlands, ponds, rivers, and agricultural fields.
Habit Herb
Short Description It is an aquatic plant with creeping stems, elliptical leaves, and small white flowers.


it is a perennial, herbaceous plant with long, creeping, or floating stems that can root at the nodes. Its leaves are opposite, elliptical to lance-shaped, and smooth-edged. The stems are hollow, allowing the plant to float in aquatic environments. It produces small, white, papery flowers arranged in spherical clusters at the leaf axils.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - September


It is used for treating skin infections, reducing inflammation, and promoting wound healing.