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Local Name Kaju
Botanical Name Anacardium occidentale L.
Common Name Kaju
Family Anacardiaceae
Distribution The species is distributed in the tropical regions and near coastal areas. It is also widely cultivated in the tropics. Distribution in India is recorded from Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, etc.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a tropical evergreen tree, recognized for its kidney-shaped cashew nuts and pear-shaped cashew apples.


It is a small tree that are often branched near the base. Leaves are simple, alternate or broadly elliptic, emarginate apex, coriaceous and glabrous. Flowers pinkish, polygamous. Fruit in drupe, reniform, yellowish, reddish hypocarp and seeds reniform.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - May


Seeds are edible and have high economic value.