Home > Plants > Kaitha

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Local Name Kaitha
Botanical Name Limonia acidissima L.
Common Name Wood apple, Elephant apple
Family Rutaceae
Distribution Found throughout Odisha. Distributed all over India except high altitude Himalayan region. This species is native to various regions of South and Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized tree, recognized for its hard, woody shell and tart, aromatic pulp used in traditional medicine and culinary applications.


It is a medium-sized tree. Leaves are compound, alternate, imparipinnate, with 4–7 dark green leaflets. The leaflets are oval to elliptical in shape, with serrated margins. Flowers are small, greenish-white to yellowish. Fruits are also known as wood apples, large, round, and woody. The pulp contains numerous seeds embedded within it.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Fruits are edible. The unripe fruit is used to treat cough.