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Local Name Hill Mango
Botanical Name Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Common Name Hill Mango
Family Burseraceae
Distribution It is found in Keonjhar and Puri districts of Odisha. Distributed in Southern India and Sri Lanka.
Habit Small tree
Short Description It is a small deciduous tree with peeling, aromatic bark and small, pinnate leaves. It produces small, yellowish-green flowers and round, reddish drupes.


It is a shrub or small tree, reaching heights of up to 5 meters. Bark is grayish-brown, may be smooth or rough. The branches are irregularly spaced and may bear thorns or spines. Leaves are compound, consisting of multiple leaflets. The leaves are deciduous. Flowers are small, yellowish red in color. The flowers are borne in dense clusters or racemes at the ends of branches. Fruit is a small, rounded drupe that turns from green to red or black as it ripens.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Leaves and root are used in treating fever.