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Local Name Hati kana
Botanical Name Leea macrophylla Roxb. ex Hornem.
Common Name Large leaf leea
Family Vitaceae
Distribution It is distributed across tropical and subtropical regions of South and Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Thailand, as well as parts of southern China. In India, it is commonly found in the northeastern regions, the Himalayan foothills, Central India, the Western Ghats, and parts of southern India. In Odisha, the plant thrives in moist deciduous forests and the subtropical forest regions, particularly in the hilly areas of the Eastern Ghats and other forested zones.
Habit Shrub
Short Description It is a large shrub with broad, serrated leaves and small greenish-white flowers that grow in clusters.


It is a large shrub with a robust, woody stem and broad, ovate leaves that can grow up to 30 cm in length. The leaves are deeply veined and have serrated margins. It produces small, star-shaped flowers in clusters, which are usually greenish-white or pale yellow. The plant also bears small, round berries that turn purplish-black when ripe.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


It is traditionally used in folk medicine for treating inflammation, wounds, and pain. Its roots and leaves are also used for ailments like arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders.