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Local Name Halada
Botanical Name Diospyros montana Roxb.
Common Name Bombay Ebony
Family Ebenaceae
Distribution The species is distributed throughout the greater part of India including Western Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, etc. and in other countries like Sri Lanka, Tropical Australia, etc.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a deciduous tree with dark, rough bark and glossy green leaves. It produces small, yellowish flowers and round, orange to reddish-brown fruit.


It is a moderate size tree with a smooth bark and branchlets with stout conical thorns. Leaves ovate oblong or elliptic ovate, glabrous or pubescent, base rounded or slightly cordate and acute apex. Male flowers green or female flowers green or yellowish. Fruit globose, ovoid and greenish yellow.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

February - April


The plant is used in fish poisoning