Home > Plants > Guduchi

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Local Name Guduchi
Botanical Name Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thomson
Common Name Heart-leaved moonseed, Amrita
Family Menispermaceae
Distribution Satakosia
Habit Climber
Short Description It is a climbing shrub with succulent stems and heart-shaped leaves. Its small yellow flowers and red drupes are distinctive features.


It is a climbing shrub. Stems are succulent, with a greenish-grey bark, and covered with lenticels. The leaves are heart-shaped (cordate), alternate, and membranous, with a smooth surface. Flowers are small, yellow, and occur in axillary and terminal racemes. The plant produces drupes, which are smooth, ovoid, and turn red when ripe. Its roots are long, thread-like, and covered with a thin bark.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is used for enhancing the immune system's function. It is also used to treat fever, diabetes, and digestive disorders etc.