Home > Plants > Greater swamp-orchid

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Local Name Greater swamp-orchid
Botanical Name Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume
Common Name Greater swamp-orchid
Family Orchidaceae
Distribution The species is distributed in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indo-China, Philippines, Thailand, Bhutan, Nepal, etc. In India it is distributed in Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, etc.
Habit Terrestrial
Short Description It is a large size terrestrial orchid. It features large, pleated leaves and tall flowering stems that can bear up to 25 flowers.


It is a large size terrestrial orchid. Leaves are plicate and linear to lance shape and petiolate. Inflorescence raceme. Flower resupinate, sepal and petal with exterior white and inner brown color. Lip tubular with white and dark purple patches and crinkled edges.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



A paste made from the pseudobulbs of this orchid is used to treat swellings of the hands and legs.