Home > Plants > Gliricidia

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Local Name Gliricidia
Botanical Name Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth
Common Name Mexican lilac
Family Fabaceae
Distribution Cultivated in India including Odisha. Native to Mexico and Central America.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized leguminous tree, grows to about 10-12 meters in height. It bears pink to purple flower in cluster.


It is a small to medium-sized tree. Leaves are compound, pinnately arranged with 5 to 7 leaflets. Each leaflet is elliptic to ovate in shape, with a pointed tip and entire margins. Flowers are small, pea-like, and arranged in dense clusters at the ends of branches. They are typically pink to purple in color. Fruit is a pod, usually cylindrical and about 10 to 20 centimeters long.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is used for ornamental purposes.