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Local Name Genduli
Botanical Name Sterculia urens Roxb.
Common Name Gum karaya
Family Malvaceae
Distribution The species is distributed to tropical and subtropical regions. In India, it is distributed in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan, andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Assam and Odisha. It is distributed throughout Odisha.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized deciduous tree, grows up to 15 meters (49 feet) tall.


It is a medium sized tree with a clean smooth, whitish grey or brown and sometimes exfoliating bark. Leaves are cordate, deeply lobed, glabrescent above and tomentose below. Flowers membranous, yellowish with pink at the center. Fruits in 5 follicles, rusty villous.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

December – March & April - August


The gum is use as laxative.