Home > Plants > Cylindrical Vanda

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Local Name Cylindrical Vanda
Botanical Name Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr
Common Name Cylindrical Vanda
Family Orchidaceae
Distribution It is found in tropical and subtropical regions of India. Globally, it is distributed across several countries in South and Southeast Asia.Epiphyte
Habit Epiphyte
Short Description It is an epiphytic orchid having cylindrical stems that can grow up to about 2 meters long.


It is an epiphytic orchid characterized by a single, elongated stem. The stem bears long, strap-shaped leaves that are alternately arranged, leathery, and glossy. It produces erect to arching inflorescences from the leaf axils near the top of the stem. Each inflorescence carries multiple large and showy flowers, often white or cream-colored with hints of pink or lavender.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - June


It is widely used for ornamental purposes.