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Local Name Chandan
Botanical Name Santalum album L.
Common Name Indian sandalwood
Family Santalaceae
Distribution It is cultivated in Odisha and Indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. Its distribution extends to other countries through cultivation, notably in Australia and some Pacific Islands.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a small evergreen tree native to India and Southeast Asia. It is renowned for its aromatic heartwood, which is used in high-quality incense, perfumes, and traditional medicine.


The height of the ever green tree is between 4-9m.They may leave upto 100 years of age. The tree is variable in habit,usually upright to sprawling and may interwine with other species. The plant parasites to root of other tree species,with a haustorium adaptation on its own roots, but with major detriments to its host plants.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July – October and December - March


Sandalwood oil is used to enhance mental clarity and focus. Its calming scent can help improve concentration and reduce mental fatigue.