Home > Plants > Bileilanja

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Local Name Bileilanja
Botanical Name Phyllodium pulchellum (L.) Desv.
Common Name Showy phyllodium
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is found throughout India including Odisha. The species is also present in northern Australia and the Pacific islands, thriving in similar habitats such as open forests, grasslands, and disturbed areas.
Habit Shrub
Short Description It is a perennial shrub. It is recognized for its attractive, trifoliate leaves and small pink to purplish flowers, often used in traditional medicine and as an ornamental plant.


Its leaves are trifoliate, with each leaflet being oblong to ovate. The plant produces small, pink to purple, pea-like flowers arranged in racemes. The fruits are flat, segmented pods that break into one-seeded segments when mature.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - September


The plant is used to treat diarrhea.