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Local Name Bhurudu
Botanical Name Gardenia gummifera L.f.
Common Name Gummy gardenia
Family Rubiaceae
Distribution It is found primarily in the deciduous forests of Odisha. It is distributed primarily in the tropical and subtropical regions in India. Predominantly found in the Indian subcontinent.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a tree native to India, notable for its fragrant white flowers and sticky, resinous exudate. It is used in traditional medicine and as a source of natural gum.


It is a small, deciduous tree. The leaves are opposite, simple, and obovate to elliptic, with a glossy, dark green surface. The flowers are large, white, and fragrant, usually solitary or in small clusters. The fruit is a smooth, greenish-yellow berry containing several seeds. The plant exudes a gummy latex when cut.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

May - July


The gummy latex is used in traditional medicine for wound-healing properties.