Home > Plants > Bhujapatra

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Local Name Bhujapatra
Botanical Name Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.
Common Name Lemon-scented gum
Family Myrtaceae
Distribution It is native to Australia and cultivated in various parts of the world including India for its ornamental and aromatic properties.
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a tall, slender tree, recognized for its smooth, white to pinkish bark and lemon-scented leaves. It's essential oil is used in perfumery, insect repellents, and aromatherapy.


It is a tall evergreen tree with smooth, white to coppery bark that peels in thin strips. Its leaves are lance-shaped, glossy, and emit a strong lemon scent when crushed. The tree produces small, creamy white flowers in clusters. The fruit is a woody capsule containing numerous tiny seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - July


Oil extracted from leaves is used to treat cold and cough.