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Local Name Bhuin champa
Botanical Name Ochna obtusata DC.
Common Name Bhuin champa, Ramdhan Champa
Family Ochnaceae
Distribution It is found throughout coastal areas of Odisha. Distributed in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc. It is also found in Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka
Habit Small tree
Short Description It is a small tree with glossy leaves. It has attractive yellow flowers, followed by seeds surrounded by bright red sepals.


It is a small tree with multiple branches emerging from the main stem. Leaves are simple, alternate, and oblong to elliptical in shape. They are typically dark green and glossy, with a prominent midrib and slightly serrated margins. Flowers are bright yellow, borne in clusters at the ends of branches, followed by seeds surrounded by bright red sepals. Fruits are small, round, and berry-like, with a shiny appearance. Each fruit contains one or more seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



It is cultivated for its ornamental value. Roots are used to treat constipation