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Local Name Bhalia
Botanical Name Semecarpus anacardium L.f.
Common Name Marking nut tree
Family Anacardiaceae
Distribution It is cultivated throughout Odisha. Native to is native to the Indian subcontinent and Myanma
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a tropical evergreen tree with leathery leaves and small yellowish flowers. Its nuts are used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory properties.


It is a small to medium-sized tree. The leaves are large, simple, and obovate-oblong, rounded at the apex, glabrous on the upper surface, and ashy gray or buff and pubescent beneath. Flowers are small, greenish-white, and subsessile. Fruit is a drupe, obliquely ovoid or oblong, smooth, and shining, and black when ripe.

Flowering & Fruiting Period



A paste of the seed, mixed with honey, is used in the treatment of digestive troubles.