Home > Plants > Bela

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Local Name Bela
Botanical Name Aegle marmelos (L.) CorrĂȘa
Common Name Bela
Family Rutaceae
Distribution The species is native to Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is also distributed throughout Odisha
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a deciduous tree native to India and Southeast Asia, featuring trifoliate leaves and sweet, aromatic fruits. Its fruits and leaves are widely used in traditional medicine for their digestive and therapeutic benefits.


It is a small or medium size tree with spines and grey corky bark. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets lanceolate or elliptic. Flowers white or greenish white. Fruit globose, ovoid and woody. Seeds embedded in mucilaginous sweet aromatic pulp.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - June


Fruit juice is taken as cooling agent. Leaves are consumed fresh and are rejuvenating.