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Local Name Baula
Botanical Name Mimusops elengi L.
Common Name Baula
Family Sapotaceae
Distribution It is cultivated and naturalized in Odisha. It can be found in states such as Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. It is also distributed in Southeast Asia and East Asia. It is native to countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar
Habit Tree
Short Description It is a medium-sized evergreen tree with fragrant, creamy-white flowers and oval-shaped leaves.


It is a small to medium sized tree. Leaves The are glossy, elliptical to lanceolate, entire, and arranged alternately along the branches. Flowers are small, fragrant, and white to cream-colored. They are solitary or arranged in clusters in the leaf axils. Fruits are oval-shaped berries. Each fruit contains one to five seeds

Flowering & Fruiting Period



Bark decoction is used in problems related to brain. The tree is also valued for its ornamental beauty, fragrant flowers.