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Local Name Baidanka
Botanical Name Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.
Common Name Velvet bean
Family Fabaceae
Distribution It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific Islands. It commonly grows in tropical forests, savannas, and cultivated areas.
Habit Climber
Short Description It is a climbing legume with large, glossy trifoliate leaves and pendulous clusters of purple or violet flowers. It produces long, hairy pods that contain several seeds.


It is a vigorous climbing or trailing legume with long, woody stems. It has large, trifoliate leaves with broad, ovate leaflets that are smooth and shiny. The plant produces striking, pendulous clusters of purple or violet flowers, which are pea-like and fragrant. It forms long, flattened pods covered with stiff, irritating hairs. These pods eventually turn brown and contain multiple seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

July - October


It is used in traditional medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease, infertility, and digestive disorders.