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Local Name Arabian coffee
Botanical Name Coffea arabica L.
Common Name Arabian coffee
Family Rubiaceae
Distribution It is cultivated in India including Odisha. It is grown in several countries like Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, and Costa Rica in Central and South America; Kenya and Tanzania in Africa; and Vietnam and Indonesia in Asia.
Habit Shrub
Short Description It is a species of coffee plant that produces high-quality beans renowned for their smooth flavor and lower caffeine content. It thrives in tropical climates at high altitudes and is a major source of the world's coffee production.


It is an evergreen shrub or small tree. It has dark green, glossy, ovate leaves. The plant produces small, white, fragrant flowers in clusters. Its fruit, the coffee cherry, matures from green to red or purple and typically contains two seeds, known as coffee beans

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - January


The primary use of Coffea beans is for making coffee, a globally popular beverage.