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Local Name Anantamul
Botanical Name Hemidesmus Indicus (L.)
Common Name Anantamul, Sugandhi, Raigadi, Chemiribaramuli, Dudholeh, Thapa
Family Apocynaceae
Distribution It is found in tropical and subtropical parts of India, including in Odisha. Native to South Asia and the Indian Subcontinent, and can be found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Iran, and Moluccas.
Habit Climber
Short Description It is a twining or climbing shrub. They are often reddish-brown in color and may be covered with fine hairs.


Leaves are simple, entire, opposite, and lanceolate to ovate in shape. It produces small, greenish-white to purple flowers arranged in axillary or terminal clusters. Flowers are small, greenish on the outside, and deep purple on the inside, fleshy, with five petals. Fruit is a follicle that splits open when mature to release numerous small, flat seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

September - December


Root infusion is used in blood purification.