Home > Plants > Agnisikha

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Local Name Agnisikha
Botanical Name Gloriosa superba L.
Common Name Flame lilly
Family Colchicaceae
Distribution It is widely distributed across tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. It is commonly found in grasslands, forests, and along the edges of fields, thriving in well-drained soils and a warm climate.
Habit Climber
Short Description It is a climbing plant with striking, flame-like red or orange flowers featuring backward-curved petals. The plant's leaves have tendril-like tips, aiding in its climbing ability.


It is a climbing herb with slender, flexuous stems that can reach up to 3 meters in length. The leaves are lanceolate, glossy, and have a characteristic tendril-like tip that helps the plant cling to supports. Its flowers are large, striking, and usually red or orange with wavy, reflexed petals and yellow edges. The flowers have a unique, flame-like appearance, with six petals that curve backward. The plant produces oblong, fleshy capsules as fruits, which contain numerous seeds.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

June - August


It is traditionally used to treat gout, arthritis, and skin disorders.