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Local Name Dumb cane
Botanical Name Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott
Common Name Dumb cane
Family Araceae
Distribution It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in India including Odisha. It is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, including countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica.
Habit Herb
Short Description It has large, variegated leaves with striking white and green patterns. It is widely grown as an indoor ornamental plant.


It is an evergreen perennial herb with thick, upright stems. Its large, ovate leaves are glossy and variegated, featuring a striking pattern of white or cream colored spots and streaks on a dark green background. It produces small, inconspicuous flowers on a spadix, which are surrounded by a greenish spathe.

Flowering & Fruiting Period

March - September


It is used for ornamental purposes.